Welcome to Hollywood Rebound, where we celebrate the art behind entertainment.

Our mission is to give artists across the entertainment industry a platform to explain their creative processes and artistic journeys.

Our Story

Hollywood Rebound was created after its founder, Aidan McClain, realized that entertainment reporting often relies on superficiality to drive page views. Too often, interviews focus on celebrities' personal lives rather than their craft. And too often, people forget that celebrities are — and have been — artists, whether it be across singing, songwriting, acting, comedy, fashion design or writing.

At Hollywood Rebound, we believe that artists and creatives deserve a space to talk about their work and creative processes.

Our goal is to give artists the opportunity to explain their work and share insights into their artistry.

Values and Vision

We are committed to:

  • Authenticity: Providing a genuine platform for artists to discuss their craft.
  • Depth: Exploring the nuances of the creative process that mainstream media often overlooks.
  • Respect: Honoring the artistry of those who entertain us, recognizing their contributions to culture and society.

Our long-term vision is to become the go-to source for in-depth artist interviews, respected for our focus on the creative heart of entertainment.

About Our Founder

Hollywood Rebound was founded by Aidan McClain, a supporter of the arts with a deep appreciation for the underlying creative processes that drive the entertainment industry.

With degrees in journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Georgetown University, he started Hollywood Rebound to fill a gap in the world of entertainment journalism, ensuring that artists have a dedicated space to share their stories and creative workflows.

His dream interview is Madonna. Her song "Music" was the first purchase he made on his iPod Nano in 2007.

Join Our Journey

We invite you to explore our content, follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to help us celebrate the art behind entertainment.

All inquiries can be sent to info@hollywoodrebound.com.